Faculty Research & Public Works

The School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership’s faculty members are bringing classroom learning to life through research and authorship of independent work, contributions to academic journals, public speaking, and much more. Additionally, many of our faculty contribute to work through the school’s two affiliated research centers. Explore the depth and breadth of our faculty’s most recent publications and ongoing research below.

Faculty Research

Tocquevillean Poetics: Political Science, the Nation, and Humanity

Published Research

I argue Tocqueville revived modern political reflection on poetry and the importance of poetry for politics.

Globalization and Liberalism: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent

Book publication

As human beings, we can live free and fulfilling lives neither as isolated individuals nor simply as members of humanity. Rather, we require a properly constituted particular political community in which we can make manifest our universal humanity.

Prohibition, the Constitution, and States' Rights

Book publication

It's a political and constitutional history of Prohibition, showing how Americans took constitutional debate and federalism seriously through intense discussion of constitutional amendments and constitutional obligations.

“Originalists Were Always for (Some) Judicial Engagement”

Popular writing

This is a short essay at Law and Liberty, one of the leading blogs for conservative or libertarian scholarship, arguing that originalists have always been committed to an aggressive enforcement of federalism, rather than a recent and bad-faith turn once they gained control of the Supreme Court

Arizona Constitution Project: Digital Constitutions

Public resource

Assembled and edited various editions of the Arizona Constitution for public use, including the 1910/1912 Arizona Constitution; a scholarly edition with all amendments in the state’s history, and both abridged and unabridged versions.

Arizona Pocket Constitution

Public resource

Edited the Arizona Constitution to create an approachable one-third length version and co-authored and introductory prefatory essay on federalism to help explain the basics of how the federal and state constitutions work together, for distribution to schools, civic groups, etc.

"Arizona: Born Angry"

Civic Education

This was a short essay on Arizona's Constitution, as part of a series on federalism and state/local governments, aimed at creating civics materials for a general audience (especially students.) Other contributors included not only prominent legal scholars but current and former state attorneys

"The ERA is a Zombie Amendment"

Quoted in External Media

Quoted as the lede for my discussion of how the importance of fidelity to the Constitution and how politicians were once willing to give up careers out of fidelity to it, rather than simply ignoring politically inconvenient parts [though they often demanded amendments to fix its flaws.

“Prohibition and Federalism: Lessons for Today”

Guest Commentary

Argues that prohibition teaches us important lessons today, both in the context of marijuana and politics more broadly: that it's something progressives should care about, that the federal government cannot force the states to execute federal law but that states cannot proactively obstruct fed

Featured work

Indelible Legacy: The Indispensable, Uncancelable Statesmanship of George Washington

Authors: William Allen and Paul O. Carrese

Today, statues and monuments of George Washington are under siege, chiefly because of his ownership of slaves. Does he in fact still deserve the honor and veneration of his countrymen?  What sort of man was Washington, and what qualities in him made his achievements possible? Can those achievements be separated from his record as a slaveholder and as an ambitious man of affairs? What can we say of George Washington entire?

Read more.