Travel funding

The School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership's curriculum begins with studying, observing, and practicing ideas and extends beyond the classroom through experiential learning opportunities. To make experiential education accessible, students seeking a major or minor in civic and economic thought and leadership, and MA students may apply for travel funding to supplement their costs when participating in approved educational opportunities. These include internships, thesis research, military academy, leadership conferences, and academic foundation programs. 


To apply for travel support funding from the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, complete the application and submit documentation at least four weeks before travel.

“I would not have been able to do that trip without that funding (from the school)... It was a fantastic opportunity overall.” - Julia J. about her internship in Israel. 

This application is to provide travel support funding in the following categories:

Internship Opportunities

Every student registered in the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership major is required to complete an internship. Students seeking a minor with the school are encouraged to pursue an internship. To find an internship that is right for you, consult the internship page on the SCETL website and make an appointment with the SCETL internship team. Students serving SCETL approved internships in Washington D.C. or abroad may apply for a semester or longer may apply for travel funding.

(up to $3,000)



Thesis Research

Sophomore, junior or senior students pursuing a major or minor in civic and economic thought and leadership and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply for partial funding to support the research travel necessary to complete an undergraduate thesis. This thesis research must be related to the school's mission and directed by the school's faculty. It could include travel to archives or a fieldwork site. This funding is made available in order to raise the level of undergraduate scholarship amongst our students, making them stronger candidates for honors degrees, national post-graduate scholarships, graduate school and research-related employment. MA students are also eligible for thesis research funding. 

(up to $1,000).




 Academic Conferences and Competitions

Students who are presenting at a scholarly conference academic work created in a SCETL course (including independent studies, theses, etc), or who are competing in an academic competition relevant to SCETL coursework, and with the support of a faculty sponsor, may apply for travel support.

(up to $1,000).




Military Academy and Leadership Conferences

Students who are accepted as participants in the United States military academy undergraduate leadership conferences or other approved leadership conferences, are eligible to apply for travel support funding. The intention of the military academy conferences is to bring together the best minds in the practice and study of leadership to teach military and undergraduate civilians about the ideas, experiences, and methods of leadership. Other leadership conference attendance must be approved by the school.

(up to $1,000).

Academic Summer Programs

Academic summer programs offered by think tanks, universities and scholarly organizations during the summer months provide students with the opportunity to enhance their consideration of the ideas and texts of civic, political and economic thought. These practical and academic leadership opportunities provide students with the chance to enrich their education with external experiences on a national level in the company of scholars and students from across the United States.

(up to $1,000).

Eligibility requirements

  • Participating students must be enrolled in the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership as a major or minor, or as an MA student. 
  • Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA. 
  • Students must complete a written application (see below), which will be reviewed by the school's Undergraduate Studies Committee.
  • The strongest candidates have a record of engagement in all aspects of the school's programming. 

The school's travel funding is not guaranteed and is awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and in light of available funding. 

Required application materials

  1. Statement of purpose or justification for the travel stipend support.
  2. Documentation
    1. For an internship, scholarly conference, or academic competition, this should be an acceptance or invitation letter
    2. For thesis research, this should be evidence of the seriousness of purpose such as institutional affiliation, a letter of affiliation, an honors thesis contract or correspondence with research partners.
  3. Budget - must include the cost of airfare, ground travel, accommodations and per diem
  4. Itinerary - must include dates of travel and locations, addresses of accommodations and research location visits 
  5. Unofficial transcript
  6. A letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor or professor.

If you are an undergraduate student, please submit your application materials to: Emily Rap.

If you are a graduate student, please submit your application materials to: Andrew Porwancher

Reimbursable expenses

  • The travel support funding may cover costs of airfare, ground transportation (taxi, shuttle services, trains, public transportation), hotels/lodging, meals, and event registration.
  • The cost of your meals (per diem) can be calculated using the daily rate determined by your destination. To determine this rate, click here.
  • The travel support funding will NOT cover the cost of rental cars, phone calls, internet access charges, poster printing, or any expense prohibited by university policy. Reimbursable expenses must be supported by itemized receipts.
  • One-Way Fares: If you decide to purchase two one-way airfares instead of a round-trip fare, you will need to print a quote of a round-trip fare at the time your one-way fares were booked, in order to demonstrate to the ASU Travel Department that the round-trip fare is in fact more expensive.
  • The school will not give travel advances for any reason.